SoftArea srl 应用

AltaBroker 1.0.4
SoftArea srl
Con AltaBroker, la App per Clienti efuturiClienti di Alta Broker srl, potrai restare costantementecollegatocon il Tuo Consulente Assicurativo, ricevere un supportonellesituazioni di emergenza che si potrebbero verificare quandoseialla guida del tuo veicolo o durante la vita privata.AltaBroker ti guida nei passi da effettuare in caso diincidentee ti fornisce supporto in caso di guasto.AltaBroker Ti tiene informato sulle novità del mercato,nuoviprodotti e delle promozioni che gli Assicuratori riservanoaiClienti di ALTA BROKER.AltaBroker, sempre al Tuo fianco!Funzioni principali dell’applicazione:Gestione IncidenteGestione GuastoRichiesta PreventivoContatti Alta BrokerIdee per risparmiareWith AltaBroker, theAppfor Customers and future customers of High Broker srl keepsyouconstantly connected with Your Insurance Advisor, receivesupportin emergency situations that might occur when you aredriving yourvehicle or in private life.AltaBroker guide you in the steps to take in case of anaccidentand will provide support in case of failure.AltaBroker It keeps you informed about new products inthemarket, new products and promotions that the Underwritersreservethe right to Customers HIGH BROKER.AltaBroker, always at your side!Key Features of the application:    Incident Management    Fault Management    Request    Contact High Broker    Ideas to Save
HeartRate+ Coherence PRO 3.3.0
SoftArea srl
Biofeedback system to achieve Cardiorespiratory Coherence
ClubCommunicator App 2.0
SoftArea srl
The ClubCommunicator App, the Italian Club Management System